Το τέλειο εργαλείο για να γίνετε μεγαλύτεροι, καλύτεροι και ασφαλέστεροι.

Επεκτείνετε την εμβέλειά σας, δημιουργήστε ισχυρότερους και πιο πιστούς πελάτες και μετατρέψτε την επιχείρησή σας στην απόλυτη εμπειρία ασφαλούς χώρου.

Προσχέδια διεπαφής εφαρμογής

Επεκτείνετε, επικοινωνήστε, εμπλακείτε, βελτιώστε... με τον δικό σας τρόπο

Connect Icon


You will be able to learn 10 times more about your current and new customers thanks to our revolutionary Safelee system.

Communicate Icon


Communicate and connect with your customers in a way you have never imagined before.

Comprehend Icon


Our mentoring and training content will help you and your employees learn how to take your business to the next level understanding what a safe space involves.

How to become a Safelee business


Create an account

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your business/organization so we can get you started.


We will get in contact

In order to become part of safelee we need to understand what your business is and if it suits our model. We will book in a time that suits you to get you on boarded successfully.


Become a safe space

Start exploring the platform and use the powerful tools we give you in order to become bigger, better and safer.